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Industry Group Calls for Reduced HFC Consumption

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The EFTC recently released a position paper stating their support for the Montreal Protocol in light of the success the programme has had in reducing CFC and HCFCs use around the world. They believe the same principles used thus far should be applied to HFCs as well. If these were, that would mean focusing on reducing demand for HFCs rather than regulating production of them.

Otherwise known as hydrofluorocarbons, HFCs are gases used by the cooling and refrigeration industries to create the cold air needed for their equipment. These are considered super greenhouse gases with the potential to do serious harm to the atmosphere. However, they only represent about 2% of total greenhouse emissions around the world at this time.

That EFTC wants to make sure that number does not increase despite the recently passed F-gas regulations. They believe that focusing on reducing HFC consumption now, while manufacturers and repair companies have F-gas regulations to deal with, is the best way to encourage transitioning to low GWP refrigerants.

Finding the Right Solution

Despite the official position taken by EFTC, not everyone in the refrigeration and cooling industries agrees that now is the time to begin working on HFC consumption. Some are concerned that moving too quickly in light of F-gas regulations will ultimately mean there are not enough low GWP refrigerants available for specific needs. Without the right refrigerant, quality and performance will suffer.

At Icecool Trailers, we know we are in the midst of changing times; times that require a new way of thinking about how certain refrigerants affect the environment. Regardless of how the HFC phase-out is eventually implemented, it will not change our commitment to providing reliable trailers and cold rooms for our customers. We are committed to continuing what we have always done: offer our customers refrigerator trailers, freezer trailers, cold rooms, and freezer rooms for both planned and emergency events. All of our equipment is maintained by a team of knowledgeable and dedicated technicians and delivered directly to your location as quickly as possible. We offer portable refrigeration solutions for special events, wedding parties and other family gatherings, indoor cold storage, and emergency refrigeration. We will continue to do so regardless of the refrigerants available on the market at any given time.

Please contact Icecool Trailers to discuss your portable, temporary refrigeration needs. One of our qualified specialists will help determine the unit best suited to your plans. All of our trailers and rooms can be connected to your current power supply or run off a standard generator.

Sources: RAC magazine – http://www.racplus.com/news/european-hfc-producers-support-global-phase-down-under-montreal-protocol/8662683.article