June 26th (2019) marked the very first World Refrigeration Day, a day of observance we hope will continue on for many years to come. The point of this global day of remembrance was to draw attention to how important refrigeration is in our daily lives. Imagine what life would be like without residential refrigerators and freezers, commercial cold rooms, air conditioning, etc.
The first annual World Refrigeration Day included lots of different events from around the world. There were ceremonies honouring some of refrigeration's biggest names including William Thomson (aka Lord Kelvin), Ibn Sina, Oliver Evans, Jacob Perkins, and Scot William Cullen. There were also lectures, demonstrations, and even educational opportunities for people looking to get into the refrigeration industry.
Here at Icecool Trailers, it was business as usual. As much as we appreciate World Refrigeration Day, we believe the best way to observe it is to continue serving our customers with honesty and integrity.
In honour of World Refrigeration Day, we thought it might be interesting to provide a brief summary of how refrigeration actually works. What is described here is a basic principle that works equally well whether you are talking about a refrigerated trailer or a walk-in cold room. The principle of refrigeration is consistent throughout.
Refrigeration is based on the premise of heat extraction. In other words, we do not aim to make things cold when we install one of our cold rooms in a client's building. Rather, we aim to remove heat. That makes perfect sense when you understand that the scientific definition of cold is really just the absence of heat.
We extract heat by combining a liquid coolant, a heat pump, and a compressor. We combine these things in a closed loop system that works quite effectively even when outside temperatures are fairly warm.
The loop begins with coolant running through a compressor. As the coolant is compressed, it is able to absorb heat more easily. Compressed coolant runs through a series of tubes inside the walk-in cooler where it wants to expand again. As it expands, it absorbs heat. The coolant then continues through the system and to the exterior, where it is fed through a heat pump. That heat pump removes the heat and sends the coolant back into the compressor to start the process over again.
Those of us with a scientific background consider refrigeration a pretty basic principle. But for those without such a background, refrigeration is nothing short of a modern-day miracle. We get that. Being able to keep everything from perishable food products to medical supplies cold, without using ice, is pretty amazing.
It is our desire that modern culture not take refrigeration for granted. Life would be quite different without it. In light of that, we invite you to contact Icecool Trailers if your commercial refrigerators or freezers ever go down. We can provide replacements on an emergency basis throughout most of southern England and South Wales.
Got questions? Call 01635 250 950 or send us a message